Monday, October 26, 2009

August 30, 2005

Tonight was shot number two of Enbrel and it was not as successful as the first. I think that Sadie was anticipating pain before the shot and just tensed up, but after such an easy first injection I wasn't really prepared for her reaction. She cried and told me it wasn't fair, then I had to add to it that she had to take 9 pills tonight. She was frustrated and I let her know that was okay, fair. Most days, you just do what you have to do, educate yourself, confer with others and make the best decision you can. You just do what you have to do... somedays, you still feel the let down and the hurt about it though. It is really not fair that she has to do all this.

Tomorrow is a new day and I will be taking Sadie to have massage, she loves it. Then I will head to her school to drop off some information to her new teacher... only one week of summer vacation left.

I would really like to thank all of you who have visited this site and given me feedback either by email, phone, in person or through the guestbook. I appreciate it and hope that you will continue to come and one day will be reading that the fight is over and that JRA is gone. That would be the ultimate prayer, the ultimate gift. Thanks for those who have been my biggest supporters over the years, you know who you are!!

If you haven't, feel free to read the old journal entry's or post on the guestbook; it is great to see new notes!

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