Tuesday, October 27, 2009

May 24, 2006

Sadie's injections went well and she is feeling really good. We use a pain scale at home of 1-5 (1=great 5=horrible pain). Sadie is almost always a 3 sometimes 4, but yesterday she said 1!!
The procedure itself wasn't much fun. Sadie had some major anxiety about the day and they offered to give her something to help her feel more calm. Once they told her that it might taste bad and she wouldn't be able to have any water... she refused it and assured the doctors that she would be fine. We wheeled her into the operating room and her anxiety really kicked in. On the operating table she fought hard (kicking, arms swinging and moving her head back and forth) all while begging me to not make her do it. It was HORRIBLE to watch. I felt so badly for her. They had to hold her down to get the mask on her and once on it only took a second for her fall asleep. That was a moment I NEVER want to repeat.

She came out of it pretty good and just wanting to go home... so she drank her juice (they make sure you can keep stuff down) and we got her dressed and on we went. She and I both took naps that afternoon and by yesterday she was back to herself.

Tomorrow we go in for Remicade, I am starting to feel like and old hat at this!

Hope everyone is well. Much love!

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