Tuesday, October 27, 2009

September 24, 2008

I wanted to give a quick update on Sadie... she is doing great. Over the last few months Remicade has gone as scheduled; sometimes the IV process is easy and sometimes not, but each time she gets her infusion and off she goes.

She saw her rheumatologist yesterday and her swelling seems to be better then the last time we were last which was three months ago. At the prior appointment we had put Sadie back on a daily anti-inflammatory medication, but didn't make any other changes. So, after a good chat about day to day life and a good exam; we will continue on track for at least the next three months when we will go in and see her again. After the appointment we scheduled Nov-Jan Remicade (if you don't book ahead, it gets pretty hard to get a chair) and to my surprise we were able to make all appointments on no school days... this will be HUGE!!

The night before the appointment we were discussing how some things with her condition get easier as she gets older (communication, knowing the in's and out's of the hospital, etc) and others are getting harder, like pulling her from school; she is at an age where she is missing big stuff. So, I am very pleased with the schedule as she will only be missing part of a day in October and then again for a quick check up in December.

Since my last update Sadie has gone back into a brace, which she is pleased with as it gives her the extra support needed and recently just started PT back up both on land and in water.
Other then that, there isn't a ton to report... Sadie has been having a great time at school and hasn't missed a beat in PE or recess... she often comes home and ice's her ankle while telling me about how she played basketball, football or ran around hard at PE. This is a good thing and it is also good that she is in a place that she is self-aware of her limits. Hard to believe a year ago she could barely take a walk up the street!!!

Thanks to everyone for their continued prayers and thoughts for Sadie... we know that this last year God has given us a great gift, we have truly had a great year medically!
Usually about this time we start gearing up for the Jingle Bell Run; we are still in much discussion over if we are going to create a team this year. We would love your feedback... if you were one that thought they would like to join Sadie's Stars for the forth year, please drop me an email and let me know... we will continue communications on this soon (as it is approaching fast).
Take care and God Bless!!

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