Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the day after (part1)

The ortho docs just did rounds and the big press today will be getting Sadie's pain under control. That is what is needed to get her home. At the moment, Sadie is resting for only the second time during the night. At best she has slept a combined 2 hours, either due to pain or just generally not comfortable. I have never seen the girl fidget so much; it was painful to watch because there is nothing I could do to help her and nothing she was doing was making her feel any better. At about 5:00 am they gave her some Benadryl for itching and that put her to sleep about 5:30. It was the most solid sleep I have seen her have all night. The doctors came in at 6:15 and had to wake her up and she is now trying to go back to sleep as she feels really tired.

Pain wise she is bouncing all over... her left leg, then her right ankle, then both. She is jumping from a pain level of 4 to pain level of 8 and it really hasn't been managed all that well. Morphine seems to help for a very short time, but causes her to have a massive headache so she as requested to have it no more. Toradol is a heavy anti-inflammatory they are giving her every six hours by IV, but she can't be on that to go home. They just gave her a dose at 6am and that was the final order in hopes that she won't need it anymore. Oxycodone is the other pain medication they are using and the doctor is not happy with her pain level so is doubling the dose. He feels that will help break her through the pain and get her home.

A huge praise is that he did say she can put limited weight on her left foot. He doesn't want her using it to walk around or anything, but she can place weight on it to get more easily in and out of the restroom. The three times she has had to go, I have had to lift her (twice with the help of a nurse and once without) and it is scary (she feels and I feel like she is going to fall) and it causes her pain. Going to the restroom is a 40+minute adventure so I am glad to know that she can at least put that foot down to pivot herself from one position to another!!!

I pray that I will be sending a message that says we are coming home later today. Please pray for Sadie's pain level and that the doctors can get the right dosage on the pain medication to give her the relief she needs! Also that she can get some rest today... it truly was a very long night for her.

And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. ~2 Corinthians 12:9


  1. Good Morning! We are praying for you both and look forward to hearing the pain is gone and you are on your way home!!!!!!!!!!
    giant hugs to you both.
    We love you,
    Katrina (Michael, Samuel and Micah)

  2. So sorry to hear that you had a rough night Sadie! We're still praying!
    the walker family

  3. Oh WOW Sadie... you are so strong! I will continue to pray for you! I pray that you get on top of that pain and once you are on top of it, I pray that it is easy to stay on top of it. I'm glad you are getting some of the rest you need to heal (I know you will need more). That would make going home such a blessing, to rest and heal.
    Theresa, it sounds like you aren't getting much sleep either... I can't imagine what you are going through to watch your child go through this. Being a mom, I know sleep isn't the first thing on your mind right now, Sadie is. But if she can get some solid sleep, I pray that you can too.
