Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the day after (part3 and final)

We are home!!!!! It is SO nice to be home, so why I feel even more on edge now doesn't make much sense, but I do. We literally sat in her room, papers signed to leave trying to decide if we were doing the right thing. Nurses and Pain specialists all talking it out together; ultimately they left it up to us as Sadie's pain in her right knee is still pretty bad and coming home means the loss of many options. One of the nurses said "I think a lot of anxiety Sadie is feeling is because of the room"; although the shared room situation got better, the poor girl next to us was in horrible pain this afternoon and it was very hard to listen too. 80% of the way home I was doubting our decision. Getting her in the car (oh, yeah... Dr. M said "don't put weight on the left foot if it causes pain" - that's almost funny! and PT said they expect that she start putting weight on the left side gingerly within 7 days) was a nightmare, but I am so excited to say that my prayers on the way home to find an easy way to get her from car, up the front steps to the couch were answered... getting her settled was much easier. We got home just in time to keep her pain medication on schedule and now she is trying to get comfortable. She is still in a lot of pain (currently on both sides). It might be another long night, but at least we are in the comfort of our home! Thank you for all your prayers... one HUGE praise I have is that Sadie remained healthy before the surgery. With all the bugs going around, her staying healthy was a major concern of mine. In that you can be praying for continued health. While loading Sadie in the car one of the head nurses called to say that one of the nurses Sadie had yesterday caring for her has come down with a high fever and cough; they aren't sure what it is, but want us to watch her extra carefully the next few days.

Again I just want to thank everyone for their support in email/text/calls/cards/flowers/blog notes... it has been really a tremendous help to know Sadie is being thought of and prayed over!!

Thank you and Good night!!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God! We are so glad that you are home Sadie! We'll be praying that you all stay healthy and that your pain level gets better soon and that you all get some much needed rest. Glad to hear that you are home!
