Sadie needs prayer...
Earlier this afternoon Sadie was having some issues with itching on her back. When I questioned the exact location of the itching, it happened to be in the same place as where she had a shingles out-break in October 2008. Later in the afternoon she was saying she was having stinging pain in that same location. Then it went back to itching. I couldn't see anything and anything I thought I saw I was sure I had created in my mind. However, the problem continues. At around 4pm, Sadie turned white as a ghost and she has thick red bags around her eyes. I asked if she was okay and she said she just felt off. Off seems understandable right now. When we ate dinner tonight Sadie had no appetite, we were serving one of her favorite things, so I just really started to put everything together then (I had thought of it all earlier, but was/am in denial). We got her settled and took her temperature - 99.4. This might not seem like a big deal, but to me, it doesn't feel right. Not with the back issue, no appetite, small fever (mind you while on Tylenol every 4 hours).
I have called Children's; they weren't helpful, they advised that we should call her primary care doctor. I am more than happy to do that, but she is going to advise us to head to the ER. I just looked at her back again and to me it looks like a small pattern is starting to appear.
We are going to wait this out a bit... the ER is about the last place I want to go, but should we need, we will. I am going to watch her fever, watch her back and if needed make a call to the doctor and beg that we don't have to sit in the ER lobby. I will admit that I might be over-reacting, but I guess I feel better doing that rather than not reacting to a situation that needs attention.
Please join us praying against this situation. I pray the small fever is just her bodies way of fighting off anything that might be brewing from the surgery (which is normal). I pray it isn't shingles... that is an automatic ticket to isolation at Children's. I pray it isn't anything she was exposed to at the hospital. I pray it just resolves itself and that if I doesn't that we have the wisdom and discernment to do the right thing at the right time.
On another note... Sadie's pain is lessening... Thank the Lord! She is starting to feel her stitches in her cast and that is an odd feeling, but not painful. Her knee is still giving her more pain then her ankle, but all and all she is improving in this area!
God Bless!
ReplyDeleteAll our love!
Ahhh, that's crazy. I hope she is doing better today. thanks for posting here. Love you guys.