Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 14, 2009

Today was probably Sadie's best day yet. She has less pain and we have taken her pain medication down a tiny bit. She did have a few episodes of higher pain, but she also had the most active day since surgery today, so that might have been the contributing factor.

Today we had the doctors approval to remove the ace bandage and to put new gauze and a new wrap on her left knee. I am only sharing the less detailed pictures as it was pretty yucky, but Sadie actually enjoyed finally being able to see what was done.

You can tell her left knee is still very swollen, but the stitches looked really good and like they are healing well.

We were able to get outside for a very short walk, but it was great to get some fresh air for all of us. We just walked about 1 block, but even that was a blessing.

Sadie also had visitors today. Her Grandpa Duane and Grandma Kelly came by for a short visit and the Caceres Family came to watch UP with us. Sadie was pretty worn out around dinner time and pretty much laid low the rest of the night.

We decided against going to church tomorrow, it just is a bigger outing that we think she is ready for just yet, but we do hope that we will be able to get another walk in and a test run of getting in and out of the car.

As a quick side note... still no fever and the itching is gone (and no appearance of shingles!)! This is obviously a huge praise!!! We may attempt a vlog tomorrow (video blog) where Sadie can tell you for herself how her day went. We will see if she is up for it. In our attempts tonight we accomplished only one thing... laughter!

God Bless

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