Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Home ~ February 24, 2010

We are home and Sadie is doing much better. She struggled with some pain early this morning, but the night nurses took the view "give her meds when she asks" whereas the day nurses took the view "keep on top of the pain for 2-3 days and keep the rotation going". I prefer that way of thinking as otherwise you are chasing pain and that can be a hard chase. She is laying low today and tomorrow and we will see how she is feeling later this week. Thanks for the prayers, thoughts and words of encouragement sent out to us. Every bit of it was felt and appreciated!

It is good to be home!


  1. I'm glad Sadie seems to be doing better. Lauren and I will pray for a swift recovery for her!

  2. Sending Sadie a giant hug! So glad she is home and doing better.
