Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 29, 2011

Sadie is doing really well; actually amazingly well. I had tried to prepare myself for what I thought this first week home might look like and although it hasn't been free of challenges, it has been nothing in compared to what we had expected.

Her pain is still mostly under control, yesterday she had a harder day in the morning, but we thought maybe she over did things the day before and so she kept really still for the first half of the day and kept her leg elevated (this isn't as easy as one would think).

We have been making goals everyday... either, take a walk (in her wheelchair), take a shower (which requires her to get upstairs) or get off the couch and to the table to do something... the point here is to try and get her moving a little bit each day. Sunday we walked (she rolled) to the mailbox and back. As soon as the fresh air hit her she said "let's walk to the store!". I replied with "let's make it to the mailbox and see how you feel". After the mailbox she was done and appreciated that we didn't get to ambitious. Monday she wanted to make her goal to get upstairs and take a shower. She did it, but it was a lot of work (much more so than a walk to the mail box). Yesterday, we went to Bartell's (drove) and were there for about 10 minutes. Again, that was about all she could do. It is good though, I didn't think we would be even considering goals for a bit, so I am grateful for this much. There are times when we are home you would almost forget that she had such a major surgery, but these little outings remind us quickly of the reality that she is still very much in the process of healing.

When we are home she is getting a little stir crazy already (not that we mind being home, but when you know you HAVE to be home, it is different that choosing to be home). She has been drawing, painting, watching movies and playing a few games. More than once she has asked if her foot heals really well is there anyway she can get out of the cast sooner... I keep reminding her "it's only day insert number of days since surgery here".

All and all she is doing amazing and we can't say enough to how grateful we are for the thoughts and prayers that have been sent her direction. I would just pray leading up to, day of and during recovery that she be released of the burden of her ankle pain and I truly believe the Lord has granted her (and us) much Grace in this process.


  1. we are so happy to hear that Sadie is doing so well and will continue to pray for quick healing and for her to be pain free. Excited to see how it will be for Sadie after she is fully recovered from the surgery!

  2. GREAT Update! We've been thinking about y'all, and intuitively feeling all the good healing taking place!!

  3. All praises to God for His faithfulness to your family during this time! I'm so happy to hear that Sadie is doing so well.
