Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011

Good news and Good times...

I am buried in stuff at the moment and have not had time to put together thoughts around camp other than it was amazing and I feel completely blessed that we were able to go again. I will try to wrap my head better around that soon, but for now I have some good news to share.

Sadie had her follow up with Dr. M (surgeon) today. She had xrays done with her cast off (which gave me a near heart-attack to watch for no other reason than being an over protective parent). Dr. M came in and pulled up her xrays and showed us before and after photos of her sub-talar joint; you can visually see where it is fusing or as he put it "is fused". Her healing is doing amazingly well - so much so that.... she gets to start putting weight on her ankle.

Neither Sadie or I could believe it... seriously, after only 5 weeks 4 days - she can put weight on her foot!!! As Dr. M put it "weight + NO pain = stimulation to help bone healing" and "weight + pain = no healing". If she feels any pain she is to hold off putting weight on her foot for a few days and try again. Sadie said "how will I know if it is pain verses discomfort from not using it for so long" and he said... you will know and if it hurts... STOP.

Obviously we don't expect her to be walking tomorrow, this will be a slow process, but this is a process we thought we were 7+ weeks away from - this is HUGE!!!!

Due to the fact she had to have a new cast put on today she was not allowed to try the new weight rule until tomorrow so the cast can fully set, but tomorrow she will try it.

Sadie see's Dr. W (rhuematology) Wednesday and at that point I will do another update with an update on her "weight" experience. Hopefully I will also be able to digest a bit of the KAT Camp weekend to share.

We are SO grateful for today... this is a HUGE Praise. Thank you for all who have continued to pray for Sadie's recovery!!


  1. PRAISE GOD! This is fantastic news. Really great to wake up and read such a wonderful outcome from the appointment!! We will continue to pray for Sadie's healing and progress. We love you all.

  2. Yay! We're so happy to hear the good news - fabulous!!!

  3. That's fantastic news! We hope it's been going well since the last post. We love you!
    -Auntie Jaime and Uncle Jacob
