Thursday, September 15, 2011

One Small setback (September 15, 2011)

Quick update on Sadie – As previously posted; Sadie came out of her cast on August 26th. That was great, but by August 28th she was really swollen and experiencing quite a bit of pain (her ankle really started to swell out of the cast badly). She was so swollen, that we couldn’t’ even get the boot on her foot, we ended up wrapping her ankle and she crutched for a few days and then slowly started to put weight back on it. She realized that ice and elevation were going to be needed to get her over the hump. Sadie was determined to go back to school walking and she did… Sadie is a determined girl! However, before school started her little sister had a 2 day long soccer tournament. Day 2, Sunday, September 4th Sadie was walking (slowly mind you) and she stepped on a rock. Not a bolder, not running, not messing around, just walking and stepped on a rock… she immediately knew something was wrong… hobbled a bit and then sat down. Unfortunate we were not with her (she was going to the car and back). The next day her foot where her toes connect to her foot were black and blue and super swollen. I was sure at that point that she had broken a bone, but she wasn’t, she thought we should just give it some time (not to mention she was determined to walk into school with two SHOES on). So… we let it be. Sadie went to school and on Thursday she said “you know, maybe we should call the doctor, but please don’t call until after Friday because I don’t want to miss Unity retreat” (a middle school field trip). So, I called Friday after school and although we couldn’t’ fit into see Dr. M, his nurse agreed to see us and then find Dr. M if she felt needed. We went yesterday and as soon as she took her sock of his nurse said “well, okay… I will be back”. Back she returned with Dr. M and he looked at her and said “oh, so you broke it – that’s obvious”. Took x-ray, confirmed broke (actually “crushed”) her forth metatarsal. By the way… if you are doing the mathematical story problem, yes, she walked on a broken foot for 10 days!

Good news is that her surgical area still looks really good, the swelling in her ankle area is totally normal (and expected to be such for another 6-12 weeks) and as odd as this is, it is a really good thing this isn’t related to the surgery specifically (Thank you Auntie Maria for making that point to me!). The reason it happened is due to the fact that when you are non-weight bearing for a long period of time your bones can get soft and as seen, break easier. So, she is in a boot and encouraged to walk to build up her bone strength, but encourage to take it really easy and if it hurts, use crutches as needed. So far, the boot is alleviating a lot of the broken bone pain, but it’s aggravating her ankle a bit. So, it’s a double edge sword.

That’s where she is for now… otherwise Sadie is doing amazing… school has started on a good foot (pun intended, but obviously I am talking about her LEFT FOOT) and she has expectation that this will be a great year!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY!!!!! Unbelieveable! Good to "hear" your sense of humor still among it all! We are glad to hear Sadie is still doing good and are praying for her. We hope to see you guys soon.
    love katrina (and guys)
