Monday, October 26, 2009

August 19, 2005

Since June Sadie has been in an active flare with her JRA, it has affected her jaw, neck, left ankle and the worst culprit her right ankle. In June we were given an opportunity to have Sadie take part in a study medication, one that is like no other in the treatment of arthrithis. We were excited, scared and unsure as to what direction to head and we spent much time discussing and ultimately praying about which direction to head. We felt if she qualified we would go forward with the study drug and hope that it was the long term answer we have been looking for.

Unfortunately today we have removed Sadie from the study medication and started at square one with her treatments and our approach to getting her well. The study drug did show some improvement in her jaw and left ankle, but her neck has shown little improvement and this week her right ankle has gotten increasingly worse. I am both sad and relieved that we are moving on to another plan of action.

Starting now, Sadie will start taking an oral steroid to help with the immediate swelling; this swelling and pain has caused her to have difficulty functioning like normal for the last week and she has been increasingly emotional over her lack of ability to be "normal". Sadie will go and have another joint injection her two joints in her right ankle within the next two weeks (this will be here seventh joint injection and I am a little nervous about that fact). At that point she will be tapered off the oral steroid. She will be starting Enbrel in conjunction with her Methotrexate immediatly.

She had her first dose of the oral steroid today and all ready I see a difference in her mood and her pain level.. it is amazing; it shows me hope.. where we can be. I will be praying every day that this course of action is the one that will push this JRA into a dormant state and keep it there.

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