Sadie went in on Friday to have her broken leg x-rayed and was released to taking the boot off for a little while at a time wearing a shoe to re-gain her balance and strength. The doctor told us “no running or jumping for the entire month” – in my head I laughed this off like there was no way you would hold her back. Then Saturday when she took the boot off for the first time I realize that she really can’t run or jump as she was having a very hard time re-adjusting to wearing a shoe. Because she had been doing so great in her boot with out crutches, it came as a surprise to both Bill and I see her have a hard time. Sunday she spend even more time out of the boot and was getting better, but defiantly isn’t walking “properly” and is putting a lot of compensation on her right leg which is an obvious concern in respects to her ankle.
At this point we will keep the boot off during any indoor activities and then when outdoors and exposed to more we will put it back on with the exception of times in which we know that she will be closely supervised and in the presents of an adult at all times. Hopefully within a short time we will see lot so improvements on her walking.
The next thing on the calendar is Remicade on the 20th however I have to put a call into Children’s to get PT re-activated. There is a break-down in communication and we have been awaiting the call ourselves, but we will call and see what the status of this is. Sadie is having some issues with her right ankle brace that need to be addressed sooner than later also.
We are not scheduled to see the Rheumatologist until the end of August; however, I do have concerns over this right ankle again. I am not sure if it is being over worked and this is why there is still swelling and stiffness and therefore I should wait or if this joint is still not under control.
One of the things I battle with is reading too much into things with her. I think it is just part of the job of mothering, but I am always watching her just a little closer and find myself paranoid when things don’t appear “right”. For example… with this boot she has not been able to take showers on her own and I have been washing her hair in the bath tub. In the last two weeks it seems her range of motion in her neck has gone down. Am I reading into this or is it going down??? I really don’t’ know. I think that I will talk to the nurse about this when I call about PT just to get an idea if we need to hang until the end of August or get her back in. Even considering that we might be taking a step backwards makes my stomach turn.
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