Tuesday, October 27, 2009

March 14, 2007

Sorry for the long delay in updating the site. Sadie had her appointment with Dr. Wallace on the 11th and for the first time since March 05' we heard: "NO INFLAMMATION"!!!!!!!!!! If that doesn't make you want to throw a party and celebrate, nothing will. We are so happy to hear that news!!

Sadie will now be able to push out her Remicade infusions a little bit at a time. She will go every five weeks for a few sessions and then progress to every six weeks.

Sadie is doing very good - our entire house was hit with a cold that seemed to linger for quite some time, but Sadie actually pulled through pretty quickly which means her immune system is fighting (she usually is sick the hardest and longest). Sadie's right ankle has been very sore the last few weeks. She has been limiting her activity (she does this on her own when needed), but still participating in swimming three days a week (two times a week for lessons, once a week for therapy). She has been going to bed with an ice pack pretty much every night. I am pretty confident that this is a result of the damage in that joint, but never 100% sure and honestly not always sure about how to help her with the pain.

At this point we have very, very few appointments on the calendar which is just how we like it.
Thank you for the continued prayers for Sadie's mental and physical health. We feel the prayers and appreciate the support and love.

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