Tuesday, October 27, 2009

November 14, 2008

The Jingle Bell Walk and Run is just one month away on December 14th! On-line registration is December 1st, so join Sadie's Stars today!We understand that these times people are being more financially aware of where their money goes and for many donations are down. We understand this, but hope that you would consider joining our team as a way to show support, raise awareness and help find a cure for the 46 million people in the U.S. who have been doctor diagnosed with arthritis. Each year in life I find that I meet more and more people that are either affected by arthritis or have a loved one that is. This disease does not affect any one race, age, gender or physical condition; no one is immune to finding themselves suffering from arthritis. We personally know several people who suffer from different types of arthritis and even more that know someone who does.

Just this week I had a conversation with someone who shared with me their grandmother's struggle with RA and the impact it had especially on her hands and feet. I have heard this many times before and know how far research has come so that many will never have to suffer such pain. That knowledge is a great leap forward for arthritis, but we still have a long road ahead and each day research continues to get closer to finding a cause which will bring us even closer to finding a cure. There are many ways you can participate in this years Jingle Bell Run and Walk including joining us for the walk, or if you are a runner, jump on in! You can also be snug in your bed and still be a part of our "team" by snoozing in for the cause. We hope that you will consider joining us this year, we love to see many old team members return and each year we love to see new faces join us! Use the links below to register online today!!
Happy Jingling!

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