Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 17, 2008

Thank you to all who were praying for Sadie. We arrived home Wednesday afternoon and all felt the exhaustion catch up. We had a very quite night and went to bed early. Sadie went to school for a few hours Thursday, then came home to rest and will do the same today. We expect that by Monday she should be well on her way!

Medical stuff; she will continue to take the anti-viral medication several times a day for four days and then will take it once a day for a month at which point we will determine if it needs to continue or not. The anti-viral medication is pretty hard stuff and can crystallize in your kidneys if you are not flushing them well so Sadie getting in tons of fluid is critical to keeping us from any future hospital visits. She is doing the best she can but at times her tummy is hurting from the medicine, so it’s a cycle. Please continue to pray that she can get lots of fluids in. The other big deal is that her attending doctor said she may need to no longer take Remicade. She advised that she hasn’t been the one following Sadie, so it isn’t her call, but that if her body has responded this way once, it might do it again. Her Rheumatologist is going to review all this and call in the next week or so and we will come up with a plan.

There isn’t much more to report now and hopefully not too much to report in the future (no report is good). We are very happy to be home. Happy that we all get to celebrate Syrah’s birthday together as a family and enjoy our time together. We are extremely thankful that Sadie is getting well and grateful to everyone’s support over the last week. Thank you!!!

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