Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 27, 2009

My first updated here for Sadie. Sadie will be 12 tomorrow... 12! How did that happen?? Just a quick update to my last post about surgery. Surgery is scheduled for November 10th and we will know more about the time of surgery the day before. Sadie will meet with physical therapy and the surgeon on November 9th and at that time we will confirm that we are talking about a recovery plan that mirrors the surgery in 2007. I can't imagine it being much different. Sadie is really looking forward to surgery, she has been having quite a bit of pain, some "normal" pain issues and some new issues. One new issue would be that occasionally she will "step wrong" and it will cause devastating pain (puts her on the ground type pain). This has only happened a few times, but that is a few more than is welcome. She also experienced this pain during non-weight bearing exercise in the pool. The therapist thinks it might be those small pieces of cartilage that are floating in her ankle moving and pressing against nerve endings. All and all, it's time for surgery and she knows it will help, which helps make it a bit easier.

Sadie continues Remicade, her last infusion was Friday - it was a one poke appointment!! She had her "birthday check up" today and checked out good there!!!

I know there is no "guest book" on this site, but please feel free to leave comments. Sadie will continue to read them and soon will be posting herself!

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